Combining C++ Coroutines and pthread_create

commit: 93ed8748

Some system functions use callback and an argument in void* type.
In this article, I'm going to cover how such functions can be wrapped with co_await

The base of examples here is my experience to try something like CppCon 2016 : Kenny Kerr & James McNellis "Putting Coroutines to Work with the Windows Runtime" with the POSIX threads. If you are a beginner, please do read the article about promise_type by Lewiss Baker. The article will enhance your understanding greatly.

Creating a new thread


What I'm going to try is creating a new thread in a simple manner. Traditionally we had to separate the step before/after pthread_create. To do so, we must write an additional function which is executed on the new thread. Like the thread_start in the pthread_create manual.

But co_await can glue two routines into one. Let's see how it looks like.

void per_thread_task();

auto work_on_new_thread(pthread_t& tid, const pthread_attr_t* attr)
    -> no_return {

    // this line is executed on the spawner thread
    co_await spawn_pthread(tid, attr);

    // the function is executed on the pthread with 'tid'

Since it's an example, it will be differenct when you have to write for your own. What I want to show here is that the look & feel of the wrapping pattern.


start_routine to resume the coroutine

Obviously the most important functions are the life cycle functions.

#include <pthread.h>

// create a new thread
int pthread_create(pthread_t *thread, const pthread_attr_t *attr,
                   void *(*start_routine) (void *), void *arg);

// join with a terminated thread
int pthread_join(pthread_t thread, void **retval);

Here, we can control 2 parameters.

  • start_routine to designate a routine for the thread
  • arg to forward an argument to the routine

With them we can imagine some code in the system will be like this.

void pthread_procedure(void* out, ...){
    // ... PC(Program Counter) jumps to here ...
    out = start_routine(arg);
    // perform `pthread_exit` ...
    // deliver 'out' to `pthread_join` or somewhere ...

We will define a simple function for the start_routine. It constructs the coroutine_handle from the arg and then resume it after checking with done.

void* resume_on_pthread(void* ptr){
    // assume we will receive an address of the coroutine frame
    auto task = coroutine_handle<void>::from_address(ptr);

    if(task.done() == false)

    return task.address();  // coroutine_handle<void>::address();

Forwarding arg from co_await

So to make the function work properly, we have to forward coroutine_handle<void> as an argument of arg. This is easy since there is a member fuction, address.

await_suspend will give us the handle like the following code.

struct pthread_spawner_t {
    constexpr bool await_ready() const noexcept {
        return false; // always false to utilize `await_suspend`
    void await_suspend(coroutine_handle<void> rh) noexcept(false) {
        pthread_t tid{};
        pthread_create(&tid, nullptr, 
                       resume_on_pthread, rh.address());
        // skipped error check for simplicity :)
    void await_resume() noexcept {
        // this function will in the call stack of `resume_on_pthread` ...

Or if you like the simplicity, you can inherit suspend_always in the std::experimental.

#include <experimental/coroutine>
using std::experimental::suspend_always;

struct pthread_spawner_t : public suspend_always {
    // hide the function of `suspend_always` ...
    void await_suspend(coroutine_handle<void> rh) noexcept(false) {
        pthread_t tid{};
        if (auto ec = pthread_create(&tid, nullptr, 
                                     resume_on_pthread, rh.address()))
            throw system_error{ec, system_category(), "pthread_create"};

In the meantime, now we have an awaitable type that creates a new thread. So we can trigger it in 1 line.

auto work_on_new_thread() -> no_return {
    co_await pthread_spawner_t{};
    // ... 


You might curious about throw in the second pthread_spawner_t::await_suspend.
In general, the function is the last point for the error handling. For our case, suppose that pthread_create failed. The callback resume_on_pthread won't be invoked.

That means the coroutine's frame can't be resumed and coverage after co_await is going to be lost. So we have to make caller handle the situation before the coroutine becomes suspended state. One of the way is to throw an exception in await_suspend.

Dealing with the thread's join


Now we have to support join for the thread. pthread_join is so simple that we can't misuse it. What we have care is not the function but the behavior after pthread_join returned without an error.

Do you remember that I returned the coroutine frame's address for our start_routine?

void* resume_on_pthread(void* ptr){
    auto task = coroutine_handle<void>::from_address(ptr);
    // ...
    return task.address();

So in somewhere we have to get the address and destroy it.

auto join_and_destroy(pthread_t tid){
    void* ptr{};
    if(auto ec = pthread_join(tid, &ptr))
        throw system_error{ec, system_category(), "pthread_join"};

    auto coro = coroutine_handle<void>::from_address(ptr);

But this code is dangerous. The reason is that there is no way to know whether the frame is not destroyed.

When the frame is final_suspended, we can check it is done() == true and then resume/destroy it. But when the corouitine didn't suspended after final_suspend, its co_return will destroy the frame immediately. So the coro.destroy() above is a double-delete situation.

Here, our plan is to provide a special return type which guarantees safe destruction of the frame.


Intend of the final suspension

A coroutine's frame is preserved if its coroutine_traits<R>::promise_type does final suspension. That means, it intended manual destruction of the frame, like generator<T>.

// From VC++, <experimental/generator>
namespace experimental {
    template <typename _Ty, typename _Alloc = allocator<char>>
    struct generator
        struct promise_type
            _Ty const *_CurrentValue;
            // ...
            bool final_suspend()
                return (true);
            // ...
        // ...
            if (_Coro) { // manual destruction of 
                         // the generator coroutine's frame
        coroutine_handle<promise_type> _Coro = nullptr;

} // namespace experimental

You can see destroy() is invoked in its destructor. We will follow the way.

Preserving frame for pthread_join

There are 2 things that should be guaranteed.

  • Meet the condition final_suspend == true so pthread_join can receive the destroyable frame
  • Perform destroy after pthread_join

Here is the type. It will be a return type for the coroutine which co_awaits pthread_spawner_t.

class pthread_joiner_t final {
    class promise_type final {
        auto initial_suspend(){ return suspend_never{}; }
        auto final_suspend(){
            // preserve the frame after `co_return`
            return suspend_always{};
        void return_void(){
            // we already returns coroutine's frame.
            // so `co_return` can't have its operand
        void unhandled_exception(){
            // ...
        auto get_return_object() -> promise_type*{
            return this;

    pthread_t tid;

    pthread_joiner_t(promise_type*) : tid{} {
    ~pthread_joiner_t() noexcept(false) { 
        void* ptr{};
        // we must acquire valid `tid` before the destruction
        if(int ec = pthread_join(tid, &ptr)){
            throw system_error{ec, system_category(), "pthread_join"};
        if(auto frame = coroutine_handle<void>::from_address(ptr)){

So if we use it as a return for the coroutine function, it will be like the following. Review the look and feel with the pthread_spawner_t.

auto resume_on_new_thread(const pthread_attr_t* attr) -> pthread_joiner_t {
    co_await pthread_spawner_t{attr};
    // ...

void owner_subroutine(){
    // A wrapper subroutine to guarantee join.
    auto joiner = resume_on_new_thread(nullptr);

    // It can be useful if the `joiner` supports `operator pthread_t()`
    // pthread_t worker_id = joiner;

It seems like we are almost done, but it's not.


You may ask that such design is seriously vulnerable when pthread_exit is used explicitly. My answer for that is, most of pthread_exit's usage is careful enough. You can note for the dangerous point in your comment, document, or even #warn for the issue. And the users are able to redesign/rewrite their own logic with the note.

Context-Aware co_await through await_transform


auto resume_on_new_thread(const pthread_attr_t* attr) -> pthread_joiner_t {
    co_await pthread_spawner_t{attr};
    // ...

void owner_subroutine(){
    // A wrapper subroutine to guarantee join.
    auto joiner = resume_on_new_thread(nullptr);

This example looks fine, but it will be more safe when pthread_spawner_t is used if and only if the return type is pthread_joiner_t. Fortuantely C++ Coroutines specifies await_transform which can do the work.

So our final goal will be like this. Can you find the difference?

auto resume_on_new_thread(const pthread_attr_t* attr) -> pthread_joiner_t {
    co_await attr;
    // ...

pthread_attr_t can't work alone since it's a reserved type for the pthread_create. So when there is an instance of it, there must be an intent to create a new thread with it. Therefore co_await on it does express something like "wait for the thread creation and then ...".


Pairing pthread_joiner_t with pthread_spawner_t

Until now, pthread_spawner_t was an global type that can be used anywhere. The first we have to do is to make it available only when pthread_joiner_t is known. Simply nesting it will do the work.

class pthread_joiner_t final {
    class promise_type;

    // nest(hide) the `pthread_spawner_t` and allow access to `promise_type`
    class pthread_spawner_t final {
        friend class promise_type;

      public: // awaitable interface must be open to public
        constexpr bool await_ready() const noexcept {
            return false;
        void await_suspend(coroutine_handle<void> rh) noexcept(false) {
            // invoke `pthread_create` ...
        void await_resume() noexcept {
            // nothing to do ...

        explicit pthread_spawner_t(const pthread_attr_t* _attr) 
            : attr{_attr}{}

        const pthread_attr_t* const attr;

    pthread_t tid;

Defining await_transform

As mentioned above, we will define the await_transform in pthread_joiner_t::promise_type. The role of the function is to transform the operand of co_await to an awaitable type. In this case, the awaitable type is pthread_spawner_t.

class pthread_joiner_t final {
    class promise_type;
    class pthread_spawner_t final {
        friend class promise_type;
        // ...
        explicit pthread_spawner_t(const pthread_attr_t* _attr) 
            : attr{_attr}{}

        const pthread_attr_t* const attr;

    class promise_type final {
        // ... see 'Preserving frame for `pthread_join`' ...

        // We can consider the `pthread_attr_t*` as an intent to create a new pthread.
        // Therefore, `promise_type` will transform the type to `pthread_spawner_t`
        auto await_transform(const pthread_attr_t* attr){
            return pthread_spawner_t{attr}
    // ... same with above ...
    pthread_t tid;

By doing so we can achieve our design goal. Because typical return types for the coroutines are not aware of how to co_await on pthread_attr_t.

Exposing pthread_t

Now the last part is to store the new pthread's id in the pthread_joiner_t. This is what I wrote above.

class pthread_joiner_t final {
    class promise_type;
    class pthread_spawner_t;

    pthread_t tid;

    // ...
    ~pthread_joiner_t() noexcept(false) { 
        void* ptr{};
        // we must acquire valid `tid` before the destruction
        if(int ec = pthread_join(tid, &ptr)){
            throw system_error{ec, system_category(), "pthread_join"};
        if(auto frame = coroutine_handle<void>::from_address(ptr)){

However, we call pthread_create in pthread_spawner_t. So we can say there must be some sharing point to get the valid pthread_t from pthread_joiner_t.

class pthread_joiner_t final {
    class pthread_spawner_t final {
        // ...
        void await_suspend(coroutine_handle<void> rh) noexcept(false) {
            pthread_t tid{};
            if (auto ec = pthread_create(&tid, nullptr, 
                                        resume_on_pthread, rh.address())){
                throw system_error{ec, system_category(), "pthread_create"};
        explicit pthread_spawner_t(const pthread_attr_t* _attr) 
            : attr{_attr}{}

        const pthread_attr_t* const attr;
    pthread_t tid; // <--- duplicate with that of the `pthread_spawner_t`
    // ...
    ~pthread_joiner_t() noexcept(false);

At this moment, we must decide where to place the therad's id. In this code pthread_joiner_t is holding it as a member variable. That's pretty general for most of type for subroutines.

Think of the implementation that pthread_spawner_t sends thread's id to pthread_joiner_t. If you decide to do so, you have to write a coroutine that aware of it's activator's address. To be more precise, the address of its return type's object.

auto resume_on_new_thread(const pthread_attr_t* attr) 
    -> pthread_joiner_t 
    // Can we know the address of the returned pthread_joiner_t object ? 
    // Even if that is possible, using the address is a sound design ? 

Definatly that will lead to the bad(compex) code.

Remember that we are preserving the coroutine frame until pthread_join. In other words, it is a valid behavior to access the frame before we invoke pthread_join. With the point, let's save the thread's id in the coroutine's frame, and access to the memory location when the thread's id is needed.

Placing the object in the coroutine's frame isn't that hard. Since the promise_type object is placed in the frame, accessing to it can be done with 1 pointer. I already showed you how to get a ponter to promise_type. Let me show you again.

class pthread_joiner_t final {
    class promise_type;
    class pthread_spawner_t;

    class promise_type final {
        auto initial_suspend(){ return suspend_never{}; }
        auto final_suspend(){
            return suspend_always{};
        void unhandled_exception(){
        auto await_transform(const pthread_attr_t* attr){
            return pthread_spawner_t{attr};
        auto get_return_object() -> promise_type*{
            return this;
        pthread_t tid{};
    // we will receive the pointer from `get_return_object`
    pthread_joiner_t(promise_type* p) : promise{p} {
    ~pthread_joiner_t() noexcept(false) { 
        // ... join with the thread id ...
        // ... destroy the coroutine frame ...

    // and we can access to the `tid` through the pointer
    operator pthread_t() const noexcept {
        return promise->tid;
    promise_type* const promise;

So the last job is to update tid in the promise_type. Let's rewrite the pthread_spawner_t.

class pthread_joiner_t final {
    class promise_type;

    class pthread_spawner_t final {
        friend class promise_type;

        constexpr bool await_ready() const noexcept {
            return false;
        void await_suspend(coroutine_handle<void> rh) noexcept(false) {
            pthread_create(this->tid, this->attr, 
                           resume_on_pthread, rh.address());
            // skipped error check for simplicity :)
        void await_resume() noexcept {
            // ... do nothing ...

        // receives 2 pointer at once
        pthread_spawner_t(pthread_t* _tid, const pthread_attr_t* _attr) 
            : tid{_tid}, attr{_attr}{

        pthread_t* const tid; // pointer to the memory location in the promise
        const pthread_attr_t* const attr;

    class promise_type final {
        auto await_transform(const pthread_attr_t* attr){
            // provide the address at this point
            return pthread_spawner_t{addressof(this->tid), attr};
        // ...
        pthread_t tid{};
    // ...

Whoa, that was a long run !


You can run the example with the WandBox.

In this article we covered 2 things by wrapping pthread_create for the coroutines step by step.

  • How the awaitable can wrap the system function which uses a callback and it has a void* parameter
  • How to define await_transform and which limitation it makes

However, we only wrapped 2 pthread life cycle functions. So if the coroutine invokes pthread_exit instead of co_return, the assumption of the pthread_joiner_t will be broken.

What I didn't cover here will be a good coroutine design practice for you.

  • Move/Copy handling of the types
  • The detach of a thread
  • Triggering multiple thread createion for 1 pthread_joiner_t

After Note

Arthur O'Dwyer let me know how to improve the final(WandBox) example using private constructor. I will cover that in later post.
Appreciate for his help and opinions! :D

Allowing another awaitable types

You may need to define more generic await_transform like this.

class pthread_joiner_t final {
    class promise_type final {

        // the original
        auto await_transform(const pthread_attr_t* attr){
            // provide the address at this point
            return pthread_spawner_t{addressof(this->tid), attr};

        // redirect to const pointer
        inline auto await_transform(pthread_attr_t* attr) noexcept(false) {
            return await_transform(static_cast<const pthread_attr_t*>(attr));

        // allow general co_await usage
        template <typename Awaitable>
        decltype(auto) await_transform(Awaitable&& a) noexcept {
            return std::forward<Awaitable&&>(a);
    // ...